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The Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Hypertension Registry (SUPERHERO): Rationale and Methods.

South AM, Giammattei VC, Bagley KW, Bakhoum CY, Beasley WH, Bily MB, Biswas S, Bridges AM, Byfield RL, Campbell JF, Chanchlani R, Chen A, D'Agostino McGowan L, Downs SM, Fergeson GM, Greenberg JH, Hill-Horowitz TA, Jensen ET, Kallash M, Kamel M, Kiessling SG, Kline DM, Laisure JR, Liu G, Londeree J, Lucas CB, Mannemuddhu SS, Mao KR, Misurac JM, Murphy MO, Nugent JT, Onugha EA, Pudupakkam A, Redmond KM, Riar S, Sethna CB, Siddiqui S, Thumann AL, Uss SR, Vincent CL, Viviano IV, Walsh MJ, White BD, Woroniecki RP, Wu M, Yamaguchi I, Yun E, Weaver DJ. The Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Hypertension Registry (SUPERHERO): Rationale and Methods. Am J Epidemiol. 2024 Jun 17.

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