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Hospital volume and selection of valve type in older patients undergoing aortic valve replacement surgery in the United States.
Patient-Physician Interactions Regarding Dyspareunia with Endometriosis: Online Survey Results.
The role of stress in recurrent tension headache.
Conflicts and concordance between measures of medication prescribing quality.
Longitudinal partially ordered data analysis for preclinical sarcopenia.
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Longitudinal partially ordered data analysis for preclinical sarcopenia.
Ip EH, Chen SH, Bandeen-Roche K, Speiser JL, Cai L, Houston DK. Longitudinal partially ordered data analysis for preclinical sarcopenia. Stat Med. 2020 10 30; 39(24):3313-3328.
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Edward H. Ip PhD
Denise K. Houston PhD, RD
Shyh-Huei Chen PhD
Jaime L. Speiser PhD, MSc