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Lifting the veil on stroke outcomes: revisiting stroke centers' transparency through public reporting of metrics.
Resistance to Propofol Induction in a Patient Taking Modafinil: A Case Report.
Preoperative Prolapse Stage as Predictor of Failure of Sacrocolpopexy.
Evaluating Teach One Reach One-An STI/HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention to Enhance Adult-Youth Communication About Sex and Reduce the Burden of HIV/STI.
Physiology and Endocrinology of the Ovarian Cycle in Macaques.
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Physiology and Endocrinology of the Ovarian Cycle in Macaques.
Weinbauer GF, Niehoff M, Niehaus M, Srivastav S, Fuchs A, Van Esch E, Cline JM. Physiology and Endocrinology of the Ovarian Cycle in Macaques. Toxicol Pathol. 2008 Dec; 36(7S):7S-23S.
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J. M. Cline DVM, PhD