Genome-Wide Association and Trans-ethnic Meta-Analysis for Advanced Diabetic Kidney Disease: Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND).
Iyengar SK, Sedor JR, Freedman BI, Kao WH, Kretzler M, Keller BJ, Abboud HE, Adler SG, Best LG, Bowden DW, Burlock A, Chen YD, Cole SA, Comeau ME, Curtis JM, Divers J, Drechsler C, Duggirala R, Elston RC, Guo X, Huang H, Hoffmann MM, Howard BV, Ipp E, Kimmel PL, Klag MJ, Knowler WC, Kohn OF, Leak TS, Leehey DJ, Li M, Malhotra A, März W, Nair V, Nelson RG, Nicholas SB, O'Brien SJ, Pahl MV, Parekh RS, Pezzolesi MG, Rasooly RS, Rotimi CN, Rotter JI, Schelling JR, Seldin MF, Shah VO, Smiles AM, Smith MW, Taylor KD, Thameem F, Thornley-Brown DP, Truitt BJ, Wanner C, Weil EJ, Winkler CA, Zager PG, Igo RP, Hanson RL, Langefeld CD. Genome-Wide Association and Trans-ethnic Meta-Analysis for Advanced Diabetic Kidney Disease: Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND). PLoS Genet. 2015 Aug; 11(8):e1005352.