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Search Results
Birken, Sarah
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Birken, Sarah
Item Type
Delivery of Health Care, Integrated
Health Care Surveys
Health Care Costs
Healthcare Disparities
Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Primary Health Care
Quality of Health Care
Delivery of Health Care
Academic Article
The micropolitics of implementation; a qualitative study exploring the impact of power, authority, and influence when implementing change in healthcare teams.
Academic Article
Implementation of change in health care in Sweden: a qualitative study of professionals' change responses.
Academic Article
Criteria for selecting implementation science theories and frameworks: results from an international survey.
Academic Article
An investment in health: anticipating the cost of a usual source of care for children.
Academic Article
Advancing the use of organization theory in implementation science.
Academic Article
Using Implementation Science to Examine the Impact of Cancer Survivorship Care Plans.
Academic Article
Implementation science as an organizational process.
Academic Article
The influence of formal and informal policies and practices on health care innovation implementation: A mixed-methods analysis.
Academic Article
Guidelines for the use of survivorship care plans: a systematic quality appraisal using the AGREE II instrument.
Academic Article
Advice-seeking during implementation: a network study of clinicians participating in a learning collaborative.
Academic Article
Models of Cancer Survivorship Care: Overview and Summary of Current Evidence.
Academic Article
Implementation science theories to inform efforts for de-implementation of urologic oncology care practices resulting in overuse and misuse.
Academic Article
Building Personalized Cancer Follow-up Care Pathways in the United States: Lessons Learned From Implementation in England, Northern Ireland, and Australia.
Academic Article
Elaborating on theory with middle managers' experience implementing healthcare innovations in practice.
Academic Article
Uncovering middle managers' role in healthcare innovation implementation.
Academic Article
Survivorship care plans: are randomized controlled trials assessing outcomes that are relevant to stakeholders?
Academic Article
Strategies for Successful Survivorship Care Plan Implementation: Results From a Qualitative Study.
Academic Article
From strategy to action: how top managers' support increases middle managers' commitment to innovation implementation in health care organizations.
Academic Article
Following through: the consistency of survivorship care plan use in United States cancer programs.
Academic Article
Middle managers' role in implementing evidence-based practices in healthcare: a systematic review.
Academic Article
Determinants of survivorship care plan use in US cancer programs.
Academic Article
Combined use of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) and the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF): a systematic review.
Academic Article
Potential determinants of health-care professionals' use of survivorship care plans: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework.
Academic Article
Characteristics of successful changes in health care organizations: an interview study with physicians, registered nurses and assistant nurses.
Academic Article
Improving the effectiveness of health care innovation implementation: middle managers as change agents.
Academic Article
Survivorship care plans: prevalence and barriers to use.
Academic Article
Increasing middle managers' commitment to innovation implementation: An agenda for research.
Academic Article
Living with advanced cancer and the role of the primary care provider: The missing piece in the survivorship discourse.
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Middle Managers Role in Innovation Implementatio
Search Criteria
Delivery of Health Care