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Search Results
Vitolins, Mara
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Vitolins, Mara
Item Type
Academic Article
Low-fat dietary pattern and weight change over 7 years: the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial.
Academic Article
Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of invasive breast cancer: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial.
Academic Article
Low-fat dietary pattern and change in body-composition traits in the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial.
Academic Article
Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of colorectal cancer: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial.
Academic Article
Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of cardiovascular disease: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial.
Academic Article
Consumption of sugar- and fat-modified foods among rural older adults: the Rural Nutrition and Health (RUN) Study.
Academic Article
Vasomotor symptoms, adoption of a low-fat dietary pattern, and risk of invasive breast cancer: a secondary analysis of the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled dietary modification trial.
Academic Article
Dietary fat reduction behaviors among African American, American Indian, and white older adults with diabetes.
Diet, Fat-Restricted
Academic Article
Partial Meal Replacement Plan and Quality of the Diet at 1 Year: Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) Trial.
Academic Article
Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Breast Cancer Mortality in the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Trial.
Search Criteria
Diet Fat Restricted