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Search Results (367)

Behavior, AnimalConcept Why?
Eliminative Behavior, AnimalConcept Why?
Sexual Behavior, AnimalConcept Why?
Shively, CarolPerson Why?
Nader, MichaelPerson Why?
Centanni, SamuelPerson Why?
Eisenach, JamesPerson Why?
Ko, Mei-ChuanPerson Why?
Drenan, RyanPerson Why?
Davis, RonaldPerson Why?
A force-plate actometer for quantitating rodent behaviors: illustrative data on locomotion, rotation, spatial patterning, stereotypies, and tremor.Academic Article Why?
A role for the melanocortin 4 receptor in sexual function.Academic Article Why?
A software solution for the control of visual behavioral experimentation.Academic Article Why?
Adolescent impulsivity predicts adult dominance attainment in male vervet monkeys.Academic Article Why?
Aggressive and mating behaviors in two types of sex reversed mice: XY females and XX males.Academic Article Why?
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  • Behavior Animal
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