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Search Results (689)

Espeland, MarkPerson Why?
Craft, SuzannePerson Why?
Rapp, StephenPerson Why?
Association between reported alcohol intake and cognition: results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study.Academic Article Why?
Association of vascular risk factors with cognition in a multiethnic sample.Academic Article Why?
Conceptualizing functional cognition in stroke.Academic Article Why?
Insulin effects on CSF norepinephrine and cognition in Alzheimer's disease.Academic Article Why?
Persistent hypogonadism influences estradiol synthesis, cognition and outcome in males after severe TBI.Academic Article Why?
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and cognition: an understudied issue in women's health.Academic Article Why?
Williamson, JeffPerson Why?
Hayden, KathleenPerson Why?
Hugenschmidt, ChristinaPerson Why?
Longitudinal associations of anticholinergic medications on cognition and possible mitigating role of physical activity.Academic Article Why?
Neuropathologic correlates of cognition in a population-based sample.Academic Article Why?
Depressive Symptoms and Longitudinal Changes in Cognition: Women's Health Initiative Study of Cognitive Aging.Academic Article Why?
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