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Search Results (404)

The aspirin in reducing events in the elderly trial: Statistical analysis plan.Academic Article Why?
Factor Analysis, StatisticalConcept Why?
An alternative to post hoc model modification in confirmatory factor analysis: The Bayesian lasso.Academic Article Why?
Longitudinal analysis of statistical and clinically significant psychosocial change following mental health rehabilitation.Academic Article Why?
Quality control of high-dose-rate brachytherapy: treatment delivery analysis using statistical process control.Academic Article Why?
O'Connell, NathanielPerson Why?
A comparison of two bias-corrected covariance estimators for generalized estimating equations.Academic Article Why?
Statistical Brain Network Analysis.Academic Article Why?
BOugie or stylet in patients UnderGoing Intubation Emergently (BOUGIE): protocol and statistical analysis plan for a randomised clinical trial.Academic Article Why?
Fatigue-related gene networks identified in CD14+ cells isolated from HIV-infected patients: part II: statistical analysis.Academic Article Why?
Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the PREventing cardiovascular collaPse with Administration of fluid REsuscitation during Induction and Intubation (PREPARE II) randomised clinical trial.Academic Article Why?
Statistical analysis used in "A prospective placebo-controlled double-blind trial of antibiotic prophylaxis in intraoral bone grafting procedures: a pliot study".Academic Article Why?
DirEct versus VIdeo LaryngosCopE (DEVICE): protocol and statistical analysis plan for a randomised clinical trial in critically ill adults undergoing emergency tracheal intubation.Academic Article Why?
Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the PREOXI trial of preoxygenation with noninvasive ventilation vs oxygen mask.Academic Article Why?
SMGR: a joint statistical method for integrative analysis of single-cell multi-omics data.Academic Article Why?
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