Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the PREOXI trial of preoxygenation with noninvasive ventilation vs oxygen mask.
Gibbs KW, Ginde AA, Prekker ME, Seitz KP, Stempek SB, Taylor C, Gandotra S, White H, Resnick-Ault D, Khan A, Mohmed A, Brainard JC, Fein DG, Aggarwal NR, Whitson MR, Halliday SJ, Gaillard JP, Blinder V, Driver BE, Palakshappa JA, Lloyd BD, Wozniak JM, Exline MC, Russell DW, Ghamande S, Withers C, Hubel KA, Moskowitz A, Bastman J, Andrea L, Sottile PD, Page DB, Long MT, Goranson JK, Malhotra R, Long BJ, Schauer SG, Connor A, Anderson E, Maestas K, Rhoads JP, Womack K, Imhoff B, Janz DR, Trent SA, Self WH, Rice TW, Semler MW, Casey JD. Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the PREOXI trial of preoxygenation with noninvasive ventilation vs oxygen mask. medRxiv. 2023 Mar 24.