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Search Results (496)

Primates highly responsive to dietary cholesterol up-regulate hepatic ACAT2, and less responsive primates do not.Academic Article Why?
Shively, CarolPerson Why?
The unique value of primate models in translational research. Nonhuman primate models of women's health: introduction and overview.Academic Article Why?
Cline, J.Person Why?
Assessment of hormonally active agents in the reproductive tract of female nonhuman primates.Academic Article Why?
B-1 lymphocytes in mice and nonhuman primates.Academic Article Why?
Biodefense research and the U.S. regulatory structure whither nonhuman primate moral standing?Academic Article Why?
Long versus short oligonucleotide microarrays for the study of gene expression in nonhuman primates.Academic Article Why?
Modeling women's health with nonhuman primates and other animals.Academic Article Why?
Ovarian dysfunction, stress, and disease: a primate continuum.Academic Article Why?
PrimaTB STAT-PAK assay, a novel, rapid lateral-flow test for tuberculosis in nonhuman primates.Academic Article Why?
Tectonigral projections in the primate: a pathway for pre-attentive sensory input to midbrain dopaminergic neurons.Academic Article Why?
The primate working memory networks.Academic Article Why?
Why primate models matter.Academic Article Why?
The Southwest National Primate Research CenterGrant Why?
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