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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Kline, David
overview I am an Associate Professor and Interim Vice Chair in the Department of Biostatistics and Data Science in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. I am secondary faculty in the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention and Affiliate Faculty in the Department of Statistical Sciences. Previously, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and a member of the Center for Biostatistics at The Ohio State University. I earned my PhD in Biostatistics from The Ohio State University in 2015. I joined the faculty at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in 2021. Public health surveillance involves the analysis and interpretation of health-related data essential to planning, implementation and evaluation of public health policy and practice. My research is focused on developing biostatistical methodology to overcome challenges in public health surveillance and address key problems in population health and epidemiology. Specifically, I work on developing multivariate Bayesian hierarchical models for spatio-temporal disease mapping, leveraging multiple sources of data to address complex social and epidemiological problems, like the opioid epidemic. I am committed to collaborating with subject area experts so that we can leverage our collective expertise to best address challenging scientific questions of interest.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Kline, David
Item TypeName
Concept Regression Analysis
Concept Multivariate Analysis
Concept Data Interpretation, Statistical
Award or Honor Receipt CSP Best Student Poster Runner-up
Award or Honor Receipt Lester R. Curtin Award
Grant Buprenorphine, Hepatitis C Virus and Their Relationship in Rural US Populations
Grant Spatio-temporal Methods for Surveillance of the Opioid Syndemic
Grant GeoHAI: A novel geographic tool for Hospital Acquired Infection visualization and assessment
Academic Article Effectiveness of Virtual Reality- and Gaming-Based Interventions for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Poststroke: A Meta-analysis.
Academic Article Increased breast cancer risk in women with neurofibromatosis type 1: a meta-analysis and systematic review of the literature.
Academic Article A joint spatial model of opioid-associated deaths and treatment admissions in Ohio.
Academic Article The Step Test Evaluation of Performance on Stairs (STEPS): Validation and reliability in a neurological disorder.
Academic Article A Latent Spatial Factor Approach for Synthesizing Opioid-Associated Deaths and Treatment Admissions in Ohio Counties.
Academic Article 3-Dimensional morphometric analysis of murine bladder development and dysmorphogenesis.
Academic Article Characteristics of Neighborhoods Where Emergency Medical Services Encounter Children at Risk for Maltreatment.
Academic Article Examining the Drivers of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Non-Adherence to Antihypertensive Medications and Mortality Due to Heart Disease and Stroke: A County-Level Analysis.
Academic Article The impact of fentanyl on state- and county-level psychostimulant and cocaine overdose death rates by race in Ohio from 2010 to 2020: a time series and spatiotemporal analysis.
Academic Article Intersectional inequities and longitudinal prevalence estimates of opioid use disorder in Massachusetts 2014-2020: a multi-sample capture-recapture analysis.
Search Criteria
  • Statistical
  • Analysis