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Society of Chest Pain Centers Recommendations for the evaluation and management of the observation stay acute heart failure patient: a report from the Society of Chest Pain Centers Acute Heart Failure Committee.

Peacock WF, Fonarow GC, Ander DS, Maisel A, Hollander JE, Januzzi JL, Yancy CW, Collins SP, Gheorghiade M, Weintraub NL, Storrow AB, Pang PS, Abraham WT, Hiestand B, Kirk JD, Filippatos G, Gheorghiade M, Pang PS, Levy P, Amsterdam EA. Society of Chest Pain Centers Recommendations for the evaluation and management of the observation stay acute heart failure patient: a report from the Society of Chest Pain Centers Acute Heart Failure Committee. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2008 Jun; 7(2):83-6.

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