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Pressor and reflex sensitivity is altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats treated with angiotensin-(1-7).
Functional genomics: new insights into the 'function' of low levels of gene expression in stem cells.
Preeclampsia and risk for subsequent ESRD in populations of European ancestry.
Current issues in the diagnosis of painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis.
How behavioral constraints may determine optimal sensory representations.
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How behavioral constraints may determine optimal sensory representations.
Salinas E. How behavioral constraints may determine optimal sensory representations. PLoS Biol. 2006 Nov; 4(12):e387.
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subject areas
Behavior Control
Behavior, Animal
Biological Clocks
Models, Biological
Models, Neurological
Neurons, Afferent
Synaptic Transmission
Vision Disparity
authors with profiles
Emilio Salinas PhD