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The precision interventions for severe and/or exacerbation-prone asthma (PrecISE) adaptive platform trial: statistical considerations.

Ivanova A, Israel E, LaVange LM, Peters MC, Denlinger LC, Moore WC, Bacharier LB, Marquis MA, Gotman NM, Kosorok MR, Tomlinson C, Mauger DT, Georas SN, Wright RJ, Noel P, Rosner GL, Akuthota P, Billheimer D, Bleecker ER, Cardet JC, Castro M, DiMango EA, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Fajt ML, Gaston BM, Holguin F, Jain S, Kenyon NJ, Krishnan JA, Kraft M, Kumar R, Liu MC, Ly NP, Moy JN, Phipatanakul W, Ross K, Smith LJ, Szefler SJ, Teague WG, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR. The precision interventions for severe and/or exacerbation-prone asthma (PrecISE) adaptive platform trial: statistical considerations. J Biopharm Stat. 2020 11 01; 30(6):1026-1037.

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