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Unconscious race and class bias: its association with decision making by trauma and acute care surgeons.
Pneumonia Prevention Strategies for Children With Neurologic Impairment.
Raptor ablation in skeletal muscle decreases Cav1.1 expression and affects the function of the excitation-contraction coupling supramolecular complex.
Everolimus plus exemestane as first-line therapy in HR?, HER2? advanced breast cancer in BOLERO-2.
In M.D. Gellman, & J.R. Turner (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine
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In M.D. Gellman, & J.R. Turner (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine
Rains J.C., & Penzien D.B. . In M.D. Gellman, & J.R. Turner (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Migraine headache. 2013; 349-364.
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Donald B. Penzien PhD