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Pectic polysaccharides from Panax ginseng as the antirotavirus principals in ginseng.
The association of circulating amylin with ß-amyloid in familial Alzheimer's disease.
Use of adenosine to shorten the post ablation waiting period for cavotricuspid isthmus-dependent atrial flutter.
HyCCAPP as a tool to characterize promoter DNA-protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Periurethral Gland Calculus Discovered on Workup for Dyspareunia.
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Periurethral Gland Calculus Discovered on Workup for Dyspareunia.
Terlecki RP, MacDonald SM. Periurethral Gland Calculus Discovered on Workup for Dyspareunia. Curr Urol. 2017 Apr; 10(1):55-56.
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Ryan Terlecki MD