Intergroup Randomized Phase III Study of Postoperative Oxaliplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, and Leucovorin Versus Oxaliplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Bevacizumab for Patients with Stage II or III Rectal Cancer Receiving Preoperative Chemoradiation: A Trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Research Group (E5204).
Chakravarthy AB, Zhao F, Meropol NJ, Flynn PJ, Wagner LI, Sloan J, Diasio RB, Mitchell EP, Catalano P, Giantonio BJ, Catalano RB, Haller DG, Awan RA, Mulcahy MF, O'Brien TE, Santala R, Cripps C, Weis JR, Atkins JN, Leichman CG, Petrelli NJ, Sinicrope FA, Brierley JD, Tepper JE, O'Dwyer PJ, Sigurdson ER, Hamilton SR, Cella D, Benson AB. Intergroup Randomized Phase III Study of Postoperative Oxaliplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, and Leucovorin Versus Oxaliplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Bevacizumab for Patients with Stage II or III Rectal Cancer Receiving Preoperative Chemoradiation: A Trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Research Group (E5204). Oncologist. 2020 05; 25(5):e798-e807.