History (6)
Injury risk curves in far-side lateral motor vehicle crashes by AIS level, body region and injury code.
Interleukin-17 inhibition: role in psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Reply to Yuqi Xia, Weimin Yu, and Fan Cheng's Letter to the Editor re: Ryan Swearingen, Akshay Sood, Rabii Madi, et al. Zero-fragment Nephrolithotomy: A Multi-center Evaluation of Robotic Pyelolithotomy and Nephrolithotomy for Treating Renal Stones. Eur Urol 2017;72:1014-21.
The relationship of body mass index, belt placement, and abdominopelvic injuries in motor vehicle crashes: A Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) study.
Co-Principal Investigator
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Co-Principal Investigator
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Kritchevsky, Stephen
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AIDS and Aging Research Platform (AARP)