History (6)
Devimistat in combination with high dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone compared with high dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone in older patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia: ARMADA 2000 Phase III study.
Do Pain Coping and Pain Beliefs Associate With Outcome Measures Before Knee Arthroplasty in Patients Who Catastrophize About Pain? A Cross-sectional Analysis From a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Exploring the broader consequences of diarrhoeal diseases on child health.
Heterotopic cervical pregnancy treated with transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration resulting in cervical site varices within the myometrium.
Aspergillus fumigatus in a fine needle aspiration of a cavitary lung lesion.
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Aspergillus fumigatus in a fine needle aspiration of a cavitary lung lesion.
Li W, Shetty AK, Salih ZT. Aspergillus fumigatus in a fine needle aspiration of a cavitary lung lesion. Clin Case Rep. 2018 Dec; 6(12):2475-2477.
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Wencheng Li MD