History (63)
Randomized placebo-controlled trial of the effects of aspirin on dementia and cognitive decline.
Silibinin inhibits hypoxia-induced HIF-1a-mediated signaling, angiogenesis and lipogenesis in prostate cancer cells: In vitro evidence and in vivo functional imaging and metabolomics.
Vitamin D insufficiency and abnormal hemoglobin a1c in black and white older persons.
A phase II clinical trial of weekly paclitaxel and carboplatin in combination with panitumumab in metastatic triple negative breast cancer.
Muscle intrusion into the tunnel in carpal tunnel syndrome
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Muscle intrusion into the tunnel in carpal tunnel syndrome
Cartwright MS, Walker FO, Arcury TA, Blocker JN, Schulz MR, Quandt SA. Muscle intrusion into the tunnel in carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle & Nerve. 2010; 42:630.
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Michael S. Cartwright MD