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Insulin Resistance is Associated with Higher Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau Levels in Asymptomatic APOE?4 Carriers.
A sequenced-strategy for improving outcomes in patients with knee osteoarthritis pain
A bifunctional nociceptin and mu opioid receptor agonist is analgesic without opioid side effects in nonhuman primates.
MitoNEET-driven alterations in adipocyte mitochondrial activity reveal a crucial adaptive process that preserves insulin sensitivity in obesity.
Cancer Stem Cells and the Bone Marrow Microenvironment.
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Cancer Stem Cells and the Bone Marrow Microenvironment.
Shiozawa Y, Taichman RS. Cancer Stem Cells and the Bone Marrow Microenvironment. Bonekey Rep. 2012 Mar 01; 2012(1).
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Yusuke Shiozawa MD, PhD