History (27)
Brain cholesterol metabolism, oxysterols, and dementia.
B vitamin intakes modify the association between particulate air pollutants and incidence of all-cause dementia: Findings from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study.
A call for comparative effectiveness research to learn whether routine clinical care decisions can protect from dementia and cognitive decline.
A quantitative trait locus for normal variation in forearm bone mineral density in pedigreed baboons maps to the ortholog of human chromosome 11q.
Development of an occult metric for common motor vehicle crash injuries - biomed 2013.
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Development of an occult metric for common motor vehicle crash injuries - biomed 2013.
Schoell SL, Weaver AA, Stitzel JD. Development of an occult metric for common motor vehicle crash injuries - biomed 2013. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2013; 49:274-80.
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authors with profiles
Ashley A. Weaver PhD
Joel D. Stitzel Jr. PhD