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The role of unacylated ghrelin on age-associated progressive muscle weakness and cachexia elicited by cancer
Managing high blood pressure in older persons with decline in function.
Commentary on an article by C.-E. Thelu et al.: "poor results of the Optetrak(TM) cemented posterior stabilized knee prosthesis after a mean 25-month follow-up: analysis of 110 prostheses".
Identifying Social Network Conditions that Facilitate Sedentary Behavior Change: The Benefit of Being a "Bridge" in a Group-based Intervention.
Headache research methodology: introduction to the special series.
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Headache research methodology: introduction to the special series.
Penzien DB. Headache research methodology: introduction to the special series. Headache. 2005 May; 45(5):408-10.
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Behavior Therapy
Headache Disorders
Research Design
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Donald B. Penzien PhD