Genome-wide linkage scans for type 2 diabetes mellitus in four ethnically diverse populations-significant evidence for linkage on chromosome 4q in African Americans: the Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group.
Malhotra A, Igo RP, Thameem F, Kao WH, Abboud HE, Adler SG, Arar NH, Bowden DW, Duggirala R, Freedman BI, Goddard KA, Ipp E, Iyengar SK, Kimmel PL, Knowler WC, Kohn O, Leehey D, Meoni LA, Nelson RG, Nicholas SB, Parekh RS, Rich SS, Chen YD, Saad MF, Scavini M, Schelling JR, Sedor JR, Shah VO, Taylor KD, Thornley-Brown D, Zager PG, Horvath A, Hanson RL. Genome-wide linkage scans for type 2 diabetes mellitus in four ethnically diverse populations-significant evidence for linkage on chromosome 4q in African Americans: the Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2009 Nov; 25(8):740-7.