History (14)
Corrigendum to "S100A9 maintains myeloid-derived suppressor cells in chronic sepsis by inducing miR-21 and miR-181b" [Mol. Immunol. 112 (August) (2019) 72-81].
Diabetes and insulin in regulation of brain cholesterol metabolism.
Safety of the use of group A plasma in trauma: the STAT study.
Alimentary mucositis: putting the guidelines into practice.
In M.D. Gellman, & J.R. Turner (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine
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In M.D. Gellman, & J.R. Turner (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine
Rains J.C., & Penzien D.B. . In M.D. Gellman, & J.R. Turner (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Migraine headache. 2013; 349-364.
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Donald B. Penzien PhD