History (7)
Child Work Safety on the Farms of Local Agricultural Market Producers: Parent and Child Perspectives.
Chronic Use of Aspirin and Total White Matter Lesion Volume: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.
Haem synthesis from exogenous 5-aminolaevulinate in cultured chick-embryo hepatocytes. Effects of inducers of cytochromes P-450.
Syndemic factors associated with adult sexual HIV risk behaviors in a sample of Latino men who have sex with men in New York City.
Self-gain and self-loss among African American and white caregivers.
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Self-gain and self-loss among African American and white caregivers.
Foley KL, Tung HJ, Mutran EJ. Self-gain and self-loss among African American and white caregivers. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2002 Jan; 57(1):S14-22.
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African Americans
Depressive Disorder, Major
European Continental Ancestry Group
Health Status
Middle Aged
Self Concept
authors with profiles
Kristie Foley PhD, MS