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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Takahashi, Yusuke
Item TypeName
Concept cis-trans-Isomerases
Academic Article The interplay of environmental luminance and genetics in the retinal dystrophy induced by the dominant RPE65 mutation.
Academic Article A novel RPE65 inhibitor CU239 suppresses visual cycle and prevents retinal degeneration.
Academic Article Identification of key residues determining isomerohydrolase activity of human RPE65.
Academic Article Identification of the key residues determining the product specificity of isomerohydrolase.
Academic Article An alternative isomerohydrolase in the retinal Müller cells of a cone-dominant species.
Academic Article Comparison of ocular pathologies in vitamin A-deficient mice and RPE65 gene knockout mice.
Academic Article An enzymatic mechanism for generating the precursor of endogenous 13-cis retinoic acid in the brain.
Academic Article Inhibition of the visual cycle by A2E through direct interaction with RPE65 and implications in Stargardt disease.
Academic Article Negative charge of the glutamic acid 417 residue is crucial for isomerohydrolase activity of RPE65.
Academic Article The 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase activity of RDH10 and its interaction with visual cycle proteins.
Academic Article Purified RPE65 shows isomerohydrolase activity after reassociation with a phospholipid membrane.
Academic Article Identification of a novel palmitylation site essential for membrane association and isomerohydrolase activity of RPE65.
Academic Article RPE65 from cone-dominant chicken is a more efficient isomerohydrolase compared with that from rod-dominant species.
Academic Article The roles of three palmitoylation sites of RPE65 in its membrane association and isomerohydrolase activity.
Academic Article Two point mutations of RPE65 from patients with retinal dystrophies decrease the stability of RPE65 protein and abolish its isomerohydrolase activity.
Academic Article Impacts of two point mutations of RPE65 from Leber's congenital amaurosis on the stability, subcellular localization and isomerohydrolase activity of RPE65.
Academic Article RPE65 gene delivery restores isomerohydrolase activity and prevents early cone loss in Rpe65-/- mice.
Academic Article Identification of conserved histidines and glutamic acid as key residues for isomerohydrolase activity of RPE65, an enzyme of the visual cycle in the retinal pigment epithelium.
Academic Article RPE65 is the isomerohydrolase in the retinoid visual cycle.
Search Criteria
  • Isomerases