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Search Results
Rhodes, Scott
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Rhodes, Scott
Item Type
Academic Article
Increasing hepatitis B vaccination among young African-American men who have sex with men: simple answers and difficult solutions.
Academic Article
Using an integrated approach to understand vaccination behavior among young men who have sex with men: stages of change, the health belief model, and self-efficacy.
Academic Article
Developing and testing measures predictive of hepatitis A vaccination in a sample of men who have sex with men.
Academic Article
Attitudes and beliefs about hepatitis B vaccination among gay men: the Birmingham Measurement Study.
Academic Article
Exploring hepatitis B vaccination acceptance among young men who have sex with men: facilitators and barriers.
Academic Article
Hepatitis A vaccination among young African American men who have sex with men in the deep south: psychosocial predictors.
Academic Article
Integrating behavioral theory to understand hepatitis B vaccination among men who have sex with men.
Academic Article
Psychosocial predictors of hepatitis B vaccination among young African-American gay men in the deep south.
Academic Article
Using hepatitis A and B vaccination as a paradigm for effective HIV vaccine delivery.
Hepatitis B Vaccines
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A Vaccines
Hepatitis A
Harnessing the power of peer navigation and mHealth to reduce health disparities in Appalachia
Search Criteria
Hepatitis E