Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
The Look AHEAD study: a description of the lifestyle intervention and the evidence supporting it.
Academic Article
One-year weight losses in the Look AHEAD study: factors associated with success.
Academic Article
Healthy Living Partnerships to Prevent Diabetes: recruitment and baseline characteristics.
Academic Article
Low-fat dietary pattern and change in body-composition traits in the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial.
Academic Article
Metabolic factors, adipose tissue, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels in type 2 diabetes: findings from the look AHEAD study.
Academic Article
Plasma concentrations of trans fatty acids in persons with type 2 diabetes between September 2002 and April 2004.
Academic Article
Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) trial: baseline evaluation of selected nutrients and food group intake.
Academic Article
Healthy Living Partnerships to Prevent Diabetes (HELP PD): design and methods.
Academic Article
Dietary fat reduction behaviors among African American, American Indian, and white older adults with diabetes.
Academic Article
One-year results of a community-based translation of the Diabetes Prevention Program: Healthy-Living Partnerships to Prevent Diabetes (HELP PD) Project.
Academic Article
Four-year weight losses in the Look AHEAD study: factors associated with long-term success.
Academic Article
The Healthy Living Partnerships to Prevent Diabetes study: 2-year outcomes of a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article
Cost of a group translation of the Diabetes Prevention Program: Healthy Living Partnerships to Prevent Diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Academic Article
Validity of diabetes self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative.
Academic Article
Comment on Kahn and Davidson. The reality of type 2 diabetes prevention. Diabetes care 2014;37:943-949.
Academic Article
Cross-sectional analysis of calcium intake for associations with vascular calcification and mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes from the Diabetes Heart Study.
Academic Article
Fiber intake and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in type 2 diabetes: Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial findings at baseline and year 1.
Academic Article
Impact of intensive lifestyle intervention on depression and health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes: the Look AHEAD Trial.
Academic Article
Partial Meal Replacement Plan and Quality of the Diet at 1 Year: Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) Trial.
Academic Article
Effects of weight regain following intentional weight loss on glucoregulatory function in overweight and obese adults with pre-diabetes.
Academic Article
The healthy living partnerships to prevent diabetes and the diabetes prevention program: a comparison of year 1 and 2 intervention results.
Healthy Living Partnership to Prevent Diabetes (HELP PD) Phase 3 (formerly TRIP)
Academic Article
Chocolate intake and diabetes risk in postmenopausal American women.
Academic Article
The 24-month metabolic benefits of the healthy living partnerships to prevent diabetes: A community-based translational study.
Academic Article
Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance in the Continuation of a Randomized Diabetes Prevention Translational Study: The Healthy Living Partnerships to Prevent Diabetes (HELP PD) Continuation Trial.
Academic Article
Mediterranean versus Western Diet Effects on Caloric Intake, Obesity, Metabolism, and Hepatosteatosis in Nonhuman Primates.
Academic Article
Weight Loss Experiences of African American, Hispanic, and Non-Hispanic White Men and Women with Type 2 Diabetes: The Look AHEAD Trial.
Academic Article
Intensive Weight Loss Intervention and Cancer Risk in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Analysis of the Look AHEAD Randomized Clinical Trial.
Academic Article
Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low and middle-income countries: protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate 'Lifestyle Africa'.