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Search Results
Parks, John
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Parks, John
Item Type
Academic Article
Dietary fish oil effects on biliary lipid secretion and cholesterol gallstone formation in the African green monkey.
Academic Article
ACAT2 contributes cholesteryl esters to newly secreted VLDL, whereas LCAT adds cholesteryl ester to LDL in mice.
Academic Article
Macrophage 12/15 lipoxygenase expression increases plasma and hepatic lipid levels and exacerbates atherosclerosis.
Academic Article
ApoA-I secretion from HepG2 cells: evidence for the secretion of both lipid-poor apoA-I and intracellularly assembled nascent HDL.
Academic Article
Identification of the lipoprotein initiating domain of apolipoprotein B.
Academic Article
Effect of fish oil diet on hepatic lipid metabolism in nonhuman primates: lowering of secretion of hepatic triglyceride but not apoB.
Academic Article
An intracellular role for ABCG1-mediated cholesterol transport in the regulated secretory pathway of mouse pancreatic beta cells.
Academic Article
Lipid metabolism.
Lipid Metabolism
Academic Article
Myeloid cell-specific ABCA1 deletion does not worsen insulin resistance in HF diet-induced or genetically obese mouse models.
Academic Article
Lipid absorption defects in intestine-specific microsomal triglyceride transfer protein and ATP-binding cassette transporter A1-deficient mice.
Regulation of ApoB Lipoprotein Expansion and Hepatic Lipid Efflux by ApoA-IV
Hepatocyte Abca1, cholesterol trafficking, and lipid mobilization
Integrative Lipid Metabolism, Inflammation, and Chronic Diseases
2016 Lipoprotein Metabolism Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar
Academic Article
The effects of brewers' spent grain on high-fat diet-induced fatty liver.
Search Criteria
Lipid Metabolism