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Search Results
Craft, Suzanne
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Craft, Suzanne
Item Type
Academic Article
Statin users without an APOE-epsilon4 allele have increased insulin resistance.
Academic Article
Insulin dose-response effects on memory and plasma amyloid precursor protein in Alzheimer's disease: interactions with apolipoprotein E genotype.
Academic Article
Effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate on cognition in memory-impaired adults.
Academic Article
Intranasal insulin administration dose-dependently modulates verbal memory and plasma amyloid-beta in memory-impaired older adults.
Academic Article
Short-term hormone therapy with transdermal estradiol improves cognition for postmenopausal women with Alzheimer's disease: results of a randomized controlled trial.
Apolipoprotein E4
Apolipoprotein C-I
Apolipoprotein E3
Academic Article
Sex and ApoE genotype differences in treatment response to two doses of intranasal insulin in adults with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article
Effect of apolipoprotein E genotype and diet on apolipoprotein E lipidation and amyloid peptides: randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article
Reduced hippocampal insulin-degrading enzyme in late-onset Alzheimer's disease is associated with the apolipoprotein E-epsilon4 allele.
Academic Article
Apolipoprotein C-I is an APOE genotype-dependent suppressor of glial activation.
Academic Article
Long-acting intranasal insulin detemir improves cognition for adults with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage Alzheimer's disease dementia.
Academic Article
Differential Effects of Meal Challenges on Cognition, Metabolism, and Biomarkers for Apolipoprotein E ?4 Carriers and Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Academic Article
Apolipoprotein E Genotype and Sex Influence Glucose Tolerance in Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Neurobehavior, Neuroendocrinology, and Genetics of AD
Academic Article
Human Striatal Dopaminergic and Regional Serotonergic Synaptic Degeneration with Lewy Body Disease and Inheritance of APOE e4.
Academic Article
Arterial stiffness and dementia pathology: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC)-PET Study.
Academic Article
Modified Mediterranean-ketogenic diet modulates gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in association with Alzheimer's disease markers in subjects with mild cognitive impairment.
Search Criteria
Apolipoprotein A I