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has major subject area list Consensus; Nerve Regeneration; Regenerative Medicine; Spinal Cord Injuries
information resource reference Huang H, Sun T, Chen L, Moviglia G, Chernykh E, von Wild K, Deda H, Kang KS, Kumar A, Jeon SR, Zhang S, Brunelli G, Bohbot A, Soler MD, Li J, Cristante AF, Xi H, Onose G, Kern H, Carraro U, Saberi H, Sharma HS, Sharma A, He X, Muresanu D, Feng S, Otom A, Wang D, Iwatsu K, Lu J, Al-Zoubi A. Consensus of clinical neurorestorative progress in patients with complete chronic spinal cord injury. Cell Transplant. 2014; 23 Suppl 1:S5-17.
label Consensus of clinical neurorestorative progress in patients with complete chronic spinal cord injury.
Search Criteria
  • Spinal Cord Injury