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has major subject area list Intestinal Diseases; Liver Diseases
information resource reference Ferguson CL, Perry C, Subramanian M, Gillette C, Ayers K, Welch C. Mixed Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions vs Soybean Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions on Incidence and Severity of Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021 02; 45(2):303-308.
label Mixed Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions vs Soybean Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions on Incidence and Severity of Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Search Criteria
  • Intestinal
  • failure