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Search Results
Laurienti, Paul
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Laurienti, Paul
Item Type
Academic Article
Age-related multisensory enhancement in a simple audiovisual detection task.
Academic Article
Relating imaging indices of white matter integrity and volume in healthy older adults.
Academic Article
Age-related increase in cross-sensory noise in resting and steady-state cerebral perfusion.
Academic Article
Coping with brief periods of food restriction: mindfulness matters.
Academic Article
Enhanced multisensory integration in older adults.
Academic Article
Aging and the interaction of sensory cortical function and structure.
Academic Article
Suppression of multisensory integration by modality-specific attention in aging.
Academic Article
Preservation of crossmodal selective attention in healthy aging.
Academic Article
A cognitive training intervention improves modality-specific attention in a randomized controlled trial of healthy older adults.
Academic Article
Using network science to evaluate exercise-associated brain changes in older adults.
Academic Article
Aging brain from a network science perspective: something to be positive about?
Academic Article
Drive for consumption, craving, and connectivity in the visual cortex during the imagery of desired food.
Academic Article
Graph theory analysis of functional brain networks and mobility disability in older adults.
Academic Article
Long-term moderate alcohol consumption does not exacerbate age-related cognitive decline in healthy, community-dwelling older adults.
Academic Article
Corrigendum: Coping with brief periods of food restriction: mindfulness matters.
Academic Article
Changes in brain network efficiency and working memory performance in aging.
Academic Article
Global integration of the hot-state brain network of appetite predicts short term weight loss in older adult.
Academic Article
A two-part mixed-effects modeling framework for analyzing whole-brain network data.
Academic Article
Aging, the Central Nervous System, and Mobility in Older Adults: Neural Mechanisms of Mobility Impairment.
The Effect of Aging on Cross-Modal Sensory Processing
Training Multisensory Processing in Older Adults
Academic Article
Beet Root Juice: An Ergogenic Aid for Exercise and the Aging Brain.
Brain Networks and Mobility Function: B-NET
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