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Search Results
Casanova, Ramon
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Casanova, Ramon
Item Type
Academic Article
Classification of structural MRI images in Alzheimer's disease from the perspective of ill-posed problems.
Academic Article
High dimensional classification of structural MRI Alzheimer's disease data based on large scale regularization.
Alzheimer Disease
Academic Article
Alzheimer's disease risk assessment using large-scale machine learning methods.
Academic Article
Blood metabolite markers of preclinical Alzheimer's disease in two longitudinally followed cohorts of older individuals.
Academic Article
Metabolic network failures in Alzheimer's disease: A biochemical roadĀ map.
Academic Article
Evidence for brain glucose dysregulation in Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article
Brain and blood metabolite signatures of pathology and progression in Alzheimer disease: A targeted metabolomics study.
Academic Article
Using high-dimensional machine learning methods to estimate an anatomical risk factor for Alzheimer's disease across imaging databases.
Academic Article
Investigating Predictors of Cognitive Decline Using Machine Learning.
Regional Neurotoxicity & Early Biomarkers of Air Pollution Effects on Brain Aging
Academic Article
Alpha-2 macroglobulin in Alzheimer's disease: a marker of neuronal injury through the RCAN1 pathway.
Academic Article
A candidate gene study of risk for dementia in older, postmenopausal women: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study.
Novel biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic Article
Analysis of pleiotropic genetic effects on cognitive impairment, systemic inflammation, and plasma lipids in the Health and Retirement Study.
Academic Article
Particulate matter and episodic memory decline mediated by early neuroanatomic biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease.
Developing Biomarkers for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Academic Article
Blood-based bioenergetic profiling reveals differences in mitochondrial function associated with cognitive performance and Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article
Proteomic analysis of APOEe4 carriers implicates lipid metabolism, complement and lymphocyte signaling in cognitive resilience.
Search Criteria
Alzheimer Disease