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Search Results (212)

Discovery of putative pancreatic cancer biomarkers using subcellular proteomics.Academic Article Why?
Identification of differentially expressed proteins from primary versus metastatic pancreatic cancer cells using subcellular proteomics.Academic Article Why?
Proteomics analysis identifies molecular targets related to diabetes mellitus-associated bladder dysfunction.Academic Article Why?
Methods for proteomics in neuroscience.Academic Article Why?
Modeling substance abuse for applications in proteomics.Academic Article Why?
18O labeling over a coffee break: a rapid strategy for quantitative proteomics.Academic Article Why?
Adaptation of Hybridization Capture of Chromatin-associated Proteins for Proteomics to Mammalian Cells.Academic Article Why?
Assessment of label-free quantification and missing value imputation for proteomics in non-human primates.Academic Article Why?
Chemical proteomics reveals new targets of cysteine sulfinic acid reductase.Academic Article Why?
De novo subtype and strain identification of botulinum neurotoxin type B through toxin proteomics.Academic Article Why?
Detection of botulinum neurotoxin A in a spiked milk sample with subtype identification through toxin proteomics.Academic Article Why?
High Resolution Discovery Proteomics Reveals Candidate Disease Progression Markers of Alzheimer's Disease in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid.Academic Article Why?
Mammalian carboxylesterase 3: comparative genomics and proteomics.Academic Article Why?
Proteomics for protein expression profiling in neuroscience.Academic Article Why?
Shotgun proteomics implicates protease inhibition and complement activation in the antiinflammatory properties of HDL.Academic Article Why?
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