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Search Results (330)

Skin cancer is among the most costly of all cancers to treat for the Medicare population.Academic Article Why?
The cost of glaucoma care provided to Medicare beneficiaries from 2002 to 2009.Academic Article Why?
Hanchate, AmreshPerson Why?
The Medicare home health benefit implications of recent payment changes.Academic Article Why?
The home health visit: an appropriate unit for Medicare payment?Academic Article Why?
What is the value of adding Medicare data in estimating VA hospital readmission rates?Academic Article Why?
A 12-year prospective study of stroke risk in older Medicare beneficiaries.Academic Article Why?
A Medicare cost comparison of minor cutaneous procedures by surgical setting.Academic Article Why?
Can primary care visits reduce hospital utilization among Medicare beneficiaries at the end of life?Academic Article Why?
Comparison of mortality and intermediate outcomes between medicare dialysis patients in HMO and fee for service.Academic Article Why?
Disparities in Emergency Department Visits Among Collocated Racial/Ethnic Medicare Enrollees.Academic Article Why?
Dual use of Medicare and the Veterans Health Administration: are there adverse health outcomes?Academic Article Why?
Five-year rehospitalization outcomes in a cohort of patients with acute ischemic stroke: Medicare linkage study.Academic Article Why?
The medicare glaucoma screening benefit: a critical program that misses its target.Academic Article Why?
Trends over time and regional variations in the rate of laser trabeculoplasty in the Medicare population.Academic Article Why?
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