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Search Results (45)

An interpersonal continuity of care measure for Medicare Part B claims analyses.Academic Article Why?
Insurance Claim ReviewConcept Why?
Lin, Meng-YunPerson Why?
Enrollment factors and bias of disease prevalence estimates in administrative claims data.Academic Article Why?
Subacute lack of asthma control and acute asthma exacerbation history as predictors of subsequent acute asthma exacerbations: evidence from managed care data.Academic Article Why?
The federal medical loss ratio rule: implications for consumers in year 2.Academic Article Why?
Rosenthal, GaryPerson Why?
Hospital episodes and physician visits: the concordance between self-reports and medicare claims.Academic Article Why?
Hall, MarkPerson Why?
Jensen, ElizabethPerson Why?
Defining emergency department episodes by severity and intensity: A 15-year study of Medicare beneficiaries.Academic Article Why?
Treatment patterns and costs among biologic-naive patients initiating apremilast or biologics for psoriatic arthritis.Academic Article Why?
Hanchate, AmreshPerson Why?
Feldman, StevenPerson Why?
A retrospective claims database analysis to assess patterns of interstitial cystitis diagnosis.Academic Article Why?
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  • Claims Analyses
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