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Search Results (130)

Advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer: molecular targeted therapies.Academic Article Why?
Alli, ElizabethPerson Why?
A novel retinoblastoma therapy from genomic and epigenetic analyses.Academic Article Why?
Comparative effectiveness research in cancer genomics and precision medicine: current landscape and future prospects.Academic Article Why?
Emerging therapeutic targets and agents for glioblastoma therapy--part II.Academic Article Why?
Enhancing Irreversible Electroporation by Manipulating Cellular Biophysics with a Molecular Adjuvant.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetic coordination of acute systemic inflammation: potential therapeutic targets.Academic Article Why?
Future direction in pharmacotherapy for non-neurogenic male lower urinary tract symptoms.Academic Article Why?
Giving AXL the axe: targeting AXL in human malignancy.Academic Article Why?
Identifying Medication Targets for Psychostimulant Addiction: Unraveling the Dopamine D3 Receptor Hypothesis.Academic Article Why?
Medication-based versus target-based lipid management.Academic Article Why?
Melanocortin 1 Receptor-Targeted a-Particle Therapy for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma.Academic Article Why?
Molecular subtyping of brain metastases and implications for therapy.Academic Article Why?
Molecular targeted a-particle therapy for oncologic applications.Academic Article Why?
Non-small cell lung cancer and precision medicine: a model for the incorporation of genomic features into clinical trial design.Academic Article Why?
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  • Targeted Molecular Therapy
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