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Search Results (48)

Is OM-3 synergistic with GLP-2 in intestinal failure?Academic Article Why?
Clinical determinants of intestinal failure and death in preterm infants with surgical necrotizing enterocolitis.Academic Article Why?
Ionizing Radiation Exposure in Pediatric Patients With Intestinal Failure.Academic Article Why?
Garg, Parvesh MohanPerson Why?
Mixed Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions vs Soybean Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions on Incidence and Severity of Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.Academic Article Why?
Zeller, KristenPerson Why?
Schwartz, MarshallPerson Why?
Cell and organ bioengineering technology as applied to gastrointestinal diseases.Academic Article Why?
Welch, CherriePerson Why?
Cholesterol feeding prevents hepatic accumulation of bile acids in cholic acid-fed farnesoid X receptor (FXR)-null mice: FXR-independent suppression of intestinal bile acid absorption.Academic Article Why?
Atala, AnthonyPerson Why?
Gillette, ChristopherPerson Why?
Orlando, GiuseppePerson Why?
Stratta, RobertPerson Why?
Bonkovsky, HerbertPerson Why?
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  • Intestinal
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