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Search Results (286)

Clinical teaching as part of continuing professional development: Does teaching enhance clinical performance?Academic Article Why?
A 360-degree assessment of teaching effectiveness using a structured-videorecorded observed teaching exercise for faculty development.Academic Article Why?
Integrating resident-to-resident teaching in interdisciplinary stroke education.Academic Article Why?
Lessons learned: a different approach to teaching electrocardiogram interpretation.Academic Article Why?
Effects of resident duty-hours restrictions on surgical and nonsurgical teaching faculty.Academic Article Why?
A meta-analysis of the educational effectiveness of three-dimensional visualization technologies in teaching anatomy.Academic Article Why?
Automated teaching file and slide database for digital images.Academic Article Why?
Comparison of a Teaching and Nonteaching Service at a Children's Hospital in the Community.Academic Article Why?
Factors influencing the outcomes of penile prosthesis surgery at a teaching institution.Academic Article Why?
Impact of Bedside Rounding on Attending Teaching Evaluations.Academic Article Why?
Impact of hospital teaching status on survival from ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.Academic Article Why?
Making Effective Educational Videos for Clinical Teaching.Academic Article Why?
Teaching and assessing procedural skills using simulation: metrics and methodology.Academic Article Why?
Teaching in small portions dispersed over time enhances long-term knowledge retention.Academic Article Why?
Teaching neuraxial anesthesia techniques for obstetric care in a Ghanaian referral hospital: achievements and obstacles.Academic Article Why?
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