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Search Results (1137)

Lifestyles of older adults: can we influence cardiovascular risk in older adults?Academic Article Why?
Kritchevsky, StephenPerson Why?
Arcury, ThomasPerson Why?
Nicklas, BarbaraPerson Why?
Houston, DenisePerson Why?
Cognitive/Brain Effects of Adding Weight Loss to Exercise in Obese Older AdultsGrant Why?
Rural Older Adults: Oral Health, Diet & Quality of LifeGrant Why?
PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr Adults (PREVENTABLE)Grant Why?
Klepin, HeidiPerson Why?
Dietary protein and change in physical function in black and white older adultsGrant Why?
Characterizing upper limb muscle volume and strength in older adults: a comparison with young adults.Academic Article Why?
Variable adaptive responses to weight loss in older adults (VARIA)Grant Why?
Differences in CAM Use Among Minority Older AdultsGrant Why?
Intervening on sedentary behavior to prevent weight regain in older adultsGrant Why?
Intervening on sedentary behavior to prevent weight regain in older adultsGrant Why?
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  • adults
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