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Search Results (38)

Intensive Care Units, PediatricConcept Why?
McCrory, MichaelPerson Why?
Woodruff, AlanPerson Why?
A call for full public disclosure for donation after circulatory determination of death in children.Academic Article Why?
An Official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Workshop Report: Evaluation of Respiratory Mechanics and Function in the Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Units.Academic Article Why?
Anesthetic Management for Pediatric Awake Tracheostomy.Academic Article Why?
Application of the New Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Surveillance Criteria for Ventilator-Associated Events to a Cohort of PICU Patients Identifies Different Patients Compared With the Previous Definition and Physician Diagnosis.Academic Article Why?
Computerized physician order entry improves compliance with a manual exchange transfusion protocol in the pediatric intensive care unit.Academic Article Why?
Integrating palliative care into the PICU: a report from the Improving Palliative Care in the ICU Advisory Board.Academic Article Why?
Kids are not small adults; however, both can be challenging.Academic Article Why?
Off-hours admission to pediatric intensive care and mortality.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric severe sepsis in U.S. children's hospitals.Academic Article Why?
Performance of a Clinical Decision Support Tool to Identify PICU Patients at High Risk for Clinical Deterioration.Academic Article Why?
Predictors of need for mechanical ventilation at discharge after tracheostomy in the PICU.Academic Article Why?
The authors reply.Academic Article Why?
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  • Pediatric Intensive Care Units
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