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A neural network model of multisensory integration also accounts for unisensory integration in superior colliculus.Academic Article Why?
Neural Networks (Computer)Concept Why?
Diagnosis of thyroid cancer using deep convolutional neural network models applied to sonographic images: a retrospective, multicohort, diagnostic study.Academic Article Why?
Salinas, EmilioPerson Why?
3D hemisphere-based convolutional neural network for whole-brain MRI segmentation.Academic Article Why?
A model of the temporal dynamics of multisensory enhancement.Academic Article Why?
A modular cGAN classification framework: Application to colorectal tumor detection.Academic Article Why?
A Novel Learning Algorithm to Optimize Deep Neural Networks: Evolved Gradient Direction Optimizer (EVGO).Academic Article Why?
A robust deep convolutional neural network for the classification of abnormal cardiac rhythm using single lead electrocardiograms of variable length.Academic Article Why?
Artificial neural networks for the electrocardiographic diagnosis of healed myocardial infarction.Academic Article Why?
Attention2majority: Weak multiple instance learning for regenerative kidney grading on whole slide images.Academic Article Why?
Background synaptic activity as a switch between dynamical states in a network.Academic Article Why?
Biomechanical contributions of posterior deltoid and teres minor in the context of axillary nerve injury: a computational study.Academic Article Why?
Blinded Clinical Evaluation for Dementia of Alzheimer's Type Classification Using FDG-PET: A Comparison Between Feature-Engineered and Non-Feature-Engineered Machine Learning Methods.Academic Article Why?
Comparison of artificial neural network and logistic regression models for predicting mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture.Academic Article Why?
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