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Search Results (145)

The bispectral electroencephalogram during modified electroconvulsive therapy under propofol anesthesia: relation with seizure duration and awakening.Academic Article Why?
Acute EEG Patterns Associated With Transient Ischemic Attack.Academic Article Why?
American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Guideline 7: Guidelines for EEG Reporting.Academic Article Why?
EEG in connection with coma.Academic Article Why?
EEG, temporal correlations, and avalanches.Academic Article Why?
Ethosuximide reduces ethanol withdrawal-mediated disruptions in sleep-related EEG patterns.Academic Article Why?
Occurrence of seizure clusters and status epilepticus during inpatient video-EEG monitoring.Academic Article Why?
Spectra of infant EEG within the first year of life: A pilot study.Academic Article Why?
Test-retest reliability of a single-channel, wireless EEG system.Academic Article Why?
Video/EEG monitoring in the evaluation of paroxysmal behavioral events: duration, effectiveness, and limitations.Academic Article Why?
Seizure susceptibility and infraslow modulatory activity in the intracranial electroencephalogram.Academic Article Why?
Competency-based EEG education: a list of "must-know" EEG findings for adult and child neurology residents.Academic Article Why?
Characterization of infant mu rhythm immediately before crawling: A high-resolution EEG study.Academic Article Why?
Sleep and chronic pain: challenges to the alpha-EEG sleep pattern as a pain specific sleep anomaly.Academic Article Why?
ElectroencephalographyConcept Why?
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