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Search Results (539)

Health-care Providers Roles in Decision Making in Pediatric Palliative CareGrant Why?
African American and non-African American patients' and families' decision making about renal replacement therapies.Academic Article Why?
African American prostate cancer survivors' treatment decision-making and quality of life.Academic Article Why?
Age-related differences in advantageous decision making are associated with distinct differences in functional community structure.Academic Article Why?
An exploratory study of primary care physician decision making regarding total joint arthroplasty.Academic Article Why?
Applying fuzzy logic to medical decision making in the intensive care unit.Academic Article Why?
Categories of Evidence and Methods in Surgical Decision-Making.Academic Article Why?
Combining Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker for Clinical Decision-making Lacks Vision.Academic Article Why?
Education and decision making at the time of triptan prescribing: patient expectations vs actual practice.Academic Article Why?
Effect of a geriatric curriculum on emergency medicine resident attitudes, knowledge, and decision-making.Academic Article Why?
Effort-based decision making varies by smoking status.Academic Article Why?
Exploring patient involvement in decision making for vascular procedures.Academic Article Why?
Flutter discrimination: neural codes, perception, memory and decision making.Academic Article Why?
Follow-up data their use in evidence-based decision-making.Academic Article Why?
HPV vaccine decision-making and acceptance: does religion play a role?Academic Article Why?
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