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Search Results (199)

Dual use of bladder anticholinergics and cholinesterase inhibitors: long-term functional and cognitive outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Effect of thiazolidinediones and insulin on cognitive outcomes in ACCORD-MIND.Academic Article Why?
Five-year cognitive outcomes: surgical effects or natural progression of vascular disease.Academic Article Why?
High-Sensitivity Troponin T, NT-proBNP, and Cognitive Outcomes in SPRINT.Academic Article Why?
Longitudinal Assessment of Physical Activity and Cognitive Outcomes Among Women at Midlife.Academic Article Why?
Postmenopausal hormone therapy and cognitive outcomes: the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS).Academic Article Why?
Designing clinical trials for assessing the effects of cognitive training and physical activity interventions on cognitive outcomes: the Seniors Health and Activity Research Program Pilot (SHARP-P) study, a randomized controlled trial.Academic Article Why?
Effect of a 24-Month Physical Activity Intervention vs Health Education on Cognitive Outcomes in Sedentary Older Adults: The LIFE Randomized Trial.Academic Article Why?
Rationale and design of the CAROLINA® - cognition substudy: a randomised controlled trial on cognitive outcomes of linagliptin versus glimepiride in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Academic Article Why?
Change in health-related quality of life and social cognitive outcomes in obese, older adults in a randomized controlled weight loss trial: Does physical activity behavior matter?Academic Article Why?
What do randomized controlled trials say about virtual rehabilitation in stroke? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of upper-limb and cognitive outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Woodruff, AlanPerson Why?
Cardiac Autonomic Function, Cognitive Performance, and Neurocognitive OutcomesGrant Why?
Shumaker, SallyPerson Why?
Impact of multivitamin-mineral and cocoa extract on incidence of mild cognitive impairment and dementia: Results from the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study for the Mind (COSMOS-Mind).Academic Article Why?
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