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Search Results (1245)

Avis, NancyPerson Why?
Watabe, KounosukePerson Why?
Cook, KatherinePerson Why?
TGF-beta polymorphisms and breast cancer in familiesGrant Why?
Howard-McNatt, MarissaPerson Why?
Bilateral synchronous breast cancer in a male.Academic Article Why?
Update on prognostic and predictive biomarkers of breast cancer.Academic Article Why?
Obesity-Induced Autophagy as an Early Life Factor Mediating Breast CancerGrant Why?
A Prospective Study of the Impact of Breast Cancer on Symptoms and FunctioningGrant Why?
Hou, YanjunPerson Why?
Gene-hormone interaction and risk of breast cancerGrant Why?
Miller, LancePerson Why?
Levine, EdwardPerson Why?
Alli, ElizabethPerson Why?
Personalized Decision Making in Early Stage Breast Cancer: Applying Clinical Prediction Models for Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity and Breast Cancer Mortality Demonstrates Substantial Heterogeneity of Benefit-Harm Trade-off.Academic Article Why?
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  • Breast Cancer
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