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Search Results (61)

'Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it': social media and public health.Academic Article Why?
Challenge accepted: Social media as a stereotype change agent.Academic Article Why?
Dermatopathology and Social Media: A Survey of 131 Medical Professionals From 29 Countries.Academic Article Why?
Dermatopathology and Social Media: Improving Participation by Increasing Clarity.Academic Article Why?
Effect of a Digital Social Media Campaign on Young Adult Smoking Cessation.Academic Article Why?
Examining the impact of social media on mood and body dissatisfaction using ecological momentary assessment.Academic Article Why?
Expanding the social media presence of the Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery: editor's report.Academic Article Why?
Social Media in Professional Medicine: New Resident Perceptions and Practices.Academic Article Why?
Social Media Usage Among Nurses: Perceptions and Practices.Academic Article Why?
Social Media Use and Mood Disorders: When Is It Time to Unplug?Academic Article Why?
Social Media Use in Children and Adolescents.Academic Article Why?
Understanding the influence of social media in medicine: lesson learned from Facebook.Academic Article Why?
Medicine in the era of Web 2.0.Academic Article Why?
Be in the Digital Room Where it Happens, Part II: Social Media for Neurology Educators.Academic Article Why?
Burnout, Wellness, and Social Media.Academic Article Why?
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